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Dr. Peter Sikkema


  • Ph.D. Environmental Sciences - University of Western Ontario
  • M.Sc. Weed Science - University of Guelph
  • B.Sc.(Agr.) Crop Science - University of Guelph

Research Interests

My research program focuses on the development of precision weed management programs in corn, soybean, edible beans and cereals to improve the level of weed control, reduce crop injury, increase crop yield and maximize net returns to Ontario producers. Recent or current projects include:

  • Crop tolerance and weed management in corn, soybean, edible beans and cereals
  • Survey on the distribution of multiple-herbicide-resistant waterhemp in Ontario
  • Development of strategies for the control of herbicide-resistant weeds in Ontario

Research Associates

Dr. Nader Soltani


519-674-1500 Ext. 63265

Research Technicians

Lynette Brown

Christy Shropshire

519-674-1500 Ext. 63645

Graduate Students

Hannah Symington

M.Sc. Student

Department of Plant Agriculture

519-674-1500 Ext. 63212

Potential Graduate Students

I am approaching retirement, consequently I am not looking for additional graduate students.